Ălections, apĂ©ro et jeu au programme de l'Afup đŁ
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DĂ©veloppeurs de la team Symfony
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Apéro et conférence au programme pour la communauté PHP/AFUP de Poitiers!
Julien Topçu présentera sa conférence : Crafting Domain-Driven Designed REST APIs
You have just coded your business logic by applying the principles of Domain-Driven Design! But when comes the time to write your API, you are facing a serious issue! All the intention and the expression of your domain go up in smoke to fit the blankness methods GET, POST, etc.
Denatured by the REST layer, the business workflow is then deported on the consumer side to compensate for the limited vocabulary of this well-known CRUD protocol…
During this talk, we will see how to bring the business intent back inside the REST API by finally being able to expose our domain services and agregates’ methods. The business workflow will also be encapsulated in the REST API in order to have the power to guide our consumers through the workflow of our domain.
JetBrains vous fera gagner une licence pour le produit de votre choix pendant la soirée !
đ Le 21 Septembre 2023
â° Ă partir de 19h
đ Cobalt, 5 rue Victor Hugo, Poitiers